Here’s an interesting question from JY who was reading one of my articles about a dialogue in my “Talking With Friends” CD program.
I find this conversation very interesting. Why is it that during a conversation you are having with a friend that they do not ask you what you are doing? It feels one way. And, if it truly is a friend, how can you not have told them about such an exciting part of your life?
How do you answer when they ask?
There is nothing stopping you from telling your friends directly. As I said in my article “Use your judgment and go with what feels right”.
It’s important to remember though that if you start a fire hose presentation on them they will likely react like most people and be blown backwards away from you. Fire hoses exert a lot of pressure and put things out!
So if you do tell them, make it brief and get a dialogue going using the basic simple principles and methods described in my book and CD’s
Your Personalized Response.
If they do ask you what you are doing, briefly tell them.
One way is by using a modified version of your “Personal Introduction”.
This is sometimes called your 10 second commercial or “Elevator Speech”.
Here is an example. You can fill in the spaces to personalize it to fit your circumstances…
- “You know how I’ve been saying for some while that I was tired about (your story here) “
- “Well, I decided to do something about it and set myself up in a part time business so that I can… (your compelling reasons here) “
- “Have you ever thought about doing something like that?”
I explain the Personal Introduction in detail in Chapter 11 of my book “How To Sell Network Marketing Without Fear, Anxiety or Losing Your Friends!” I also talk about it on my CD program “12 Ways To Start Effective Conversations Without Fear”.
The Personal Introduction Speech is one of the most powerful and flexible tools that you have at your disposal.
You can modify it to fit all sorts of different situations. You can;
- Create a generic one for general use to create interest in what you do.
- Use it to explain your products using compelling “What’s in it for them” terms.
- Turn it into a customized mini presentation after someone has given you some clues there is something missing and they might be open to change.
A key thing to remember is to end your Personal Introduction with a question. This puts the focus back on the other person and enables you to start a dialogue with them.
The main point is, don’t be anxious to tell. Be more interested in finding out. You’ll have plenty of time to present later.
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