Thursday, August 4, 2011

The top 5 reasons why you SHOULD cold call!

1. You are a masochist.

Masochist (noun): The tendency to derive pleasure
from one's own pain or humiliation.
2. You are addicted to the struggle.
Psychologists have identified the fact that many
people stay poor or in otherwise bad circumstances
because they are addicted to their own struggle.
3. You want to stay poor.
You have some type of moral or ethical objection
to wealth and prosperity.
4. You work for an idiot.
Your boss is a dummy who wants you to keep cold
calling with no regard to the fact that the less
you sell, the less he makes.
5. You are already rich.
Since you don't need to make any sales or even
keep your job, you cold call all day to pass the
Frank Rumbauskas

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